Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tim is my hero!

I just have to say thank you AGAIN to my brother-in-law, Tim for fixing my internet problem. Casey's laptop has not connected to the internet in months - and I'd tried every thing imaginable (well, obviously not everything, since there was one thing that worked) to fix it. My BIL is a computer genious, seriously, but I know he gets called on all the time to fix people's stuff, and I was determined I would not need to bother him. Well, after months of futile attempts, and most recently losing all of my internet time to Casey - I broke down and called him. He was fixing my computer from Mesa - so cool. Anyway - it took all of maybe 15 minutes tops to figure out the problem and get it fixed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's very handy to have smart relatives!

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